Friday, 30 August 2013

Friday up finish - Christening present - sail boat quilt

This is my Friday finish - I think my first proper one that I've aimed for.

This is a little buggy quilt made for a christening present.

It's been backed in a lovely soft fleece, bound in green and white and I've used an assortment of blues and greens, with a couple of yellow square and beige with nautical looking rope on them.

I did all over loopy quilting, I'd recently tried it on a cushion cover and liked it and was waiting for a larger project to have a go on - I'm quite taken with it.

It measures 32" square and quite frankly I really love it, I have to say though photography is not one of my strong points.

I'm giving it in a bottle bag, of which I have plenty and have been looking at ways to use them up.

I am linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Pippa's Patch 

Monday, 26 August 2013

Buggy quilt

I lost my sewing bug recently, possibly because I had a cough and cold bug for four weeks, but also as much as I like sewing, sewing with a purpose us much better.

I have been invited to a christening next Sunday, so I came back and started sewing a little buggy quilt, as babie's mum walks with him in his buggy a lot.

It is 32 square at the moment, I'm still deciding on if I should do some sashing round the edges.

There is a unique square in there, in that it's facing the wrong way, but ho hum and all that :o)

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

WIP: The wedding gift quilt

I'll be doing 11.5" white boarders with corner stones made up of four blocks. I'm really liking how a strippy quilt looks in just a few colours and patterns ... I also really like how it photographs up against the window.

Thursday, 8 August 2013


I am addicted to fabric - there I've said it, but before anyone races to help I don't need any, I know they say in order to sort out a addiction you have to admit to it, well this is one addiction I intend to nurture :)

This is my most used drawer, it has what I think of as my adult fabrics, they range from fat 1/6th to approx fat or long 1/4.

 This is the top drawer where larger bit of fabric live or packs of fabric.
Another view of top drawer

This is childrens drawer, which is being taken over slightly by draw above, who is full to the rafters, these are mostly kids fabrics.

This is bottom draw, this has panels, precut bit and pieces and also a lot of larger pieces that are mostly used for the inside bits that no one will see, like in foundation piecing.

I also have five bird feed tubs full of strips and scraps and also four big square tubs full of 'other' fabric, like fleece, flannel, gingham.

Plus a whole cupboard full of 'other' fabrics for dress making etc, which to be quite honest I don't know what I'm going to do with it - I think I'm going to have a give away soon of that fabric.... I need the space for more cotton fabrics.