Saturday, 16 March 2013

Beach huts.

Cheery little beach huts, reminds me of holidays when I was younger. Each one measuring 5" x 7", just deciding whether to add borders or not and how to quilt it. I'll post the finished little quilt/wall hanging when I've decided.
My weekend thinking has been that it might become a beach quilt... blue strip on the top with a sun and a sand and sea strip underneath, with shells and fishes.

As you may notice I haven't quite got the hang of this blog lark, my phone doesn't seem to understand the way I want them to appear on the blog (read I haven't worked out my phone blog bit yet :o) )


Linking in with Freshley Pieced WIPs Wednesday - Fingers crossed it works. 

I am starting to get a little frustrated with the not really knowing what to do about linking up etc.. deep breath and any comments with information would be greatly received :o)


  1. Love these blocks, they remind me of summer

  2. Those beach huts look pretty and colorful! What a great way to use up all kinds of fabric.

  3. ps. You are a no-reply blogger so I wasn't able to respond to your comment via email. I think there are more cat lovers in the quilter's camp, thanks to you and me!

    1. Any pointers on how to be a reply blogger.... still trying to work it all out to be honest - any advice greatly recieved.
