Monday, 28 April 2014

Big log cabin - finished.

I was determined yesterday to finish the big log cabin quilt and I did it!

I'm really cross that the piecing was wrong and that I didn't notice until after I'd quilted it and there was no way I was going to unpick it and fix it, so I just carried on and now I have another quilt for myself... plus I think Zippy cat likes it a lot :o) He sort of claimed it before I'd even finished.

I quilted it in four parts and did a loopy quilting on it and sashed it at the end and bound it in a really lovely olive green fabric, which compliments is really well (I think).

The back started out with me doing windows... which was basically squares and oblongs sashed, but I have to say I got really fed up with that, so just attached random bits of fabrics - including some that I couldn't think of using else where.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Wips Wednesday - baby quilt

I have been an incredibly lucky girl this weekend,  my sister-in-laws mum gave me a huge bag of fabric, including lots of Laura Ashley fabrics and some pre-cut slabs, squares and triangles. 

One fabric that was in the bag was this gorgeous white, grey and pink print and I knew it would make a beautiful cot quilt and pillow case, I just sashed it and did a small stipple pattern all over and now all I need to do is bind the quilt and make the pillow.
It is such a beautiful fabric.

My sister-in-laws mum made this huge log cabin quilt and sewed every single stitch by hand - every time I see it I am in awe of it.

Today a friend and myself went to a place called Forte Hall, a house that dates back to the 1600s, it has beautiful gardens and the house is lovely. 

There was a really interesting wall hanging in one of the rooms.

Linking up with Freshley Pieced

Friday, 18 April 2014

Daisy Wall Hanging

My friend was feeling a bit unwell today, so I made her this happy little daisy wall hanging.
I used bondaweb for the petals and middle,  then quilted a small stipple pattern all over.  Then just quilted the middle bit over and over. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

WiPs Wednesday - big scrappy log cabin.

I made this top about a year ago, but after a little mishap quilting a smaller quilt and a few folds in the back,  I decided to unpick it into quarters and quilt it that way instead. It's 84" square or just over 6 foot square. The logs are 2" wide.

It is the biggest quilt to date. Only one more quarter to make the back for and quilt, then the sashing and binding,  but as you may notice I'm running out of space to lay it out... another good reason to quilt in quarters I think!

I'm quilting it with loops and even though I like loops, I really don't like quilting the loops, but then quilting is not one of my favourite things to do, I much prefer picking the fabrics and piecing.

I've realised in the picture that the bottom corner should be on the other side as it's not in the right format, but as it's not attached yet, that will be easily fixed - by moving my furniture out of the way :o), no I think a visit to my neighbours house with her much larger floor space is needed.

My next work in progress is going to be some cushion covers that hopefully, fingers crossed, will be sold at a craft fair. These are some of the flowers I've cut out so far, they're Kaffe fasset fabrics, which I think are perfect for them.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Raw edge applique picture

This is my first go in a long time at raw edge applique, this one I think will probably go to my God-daughter Marlie, for her room, she saw it and loves it!

This is Marlie, who is the love of my life.

And here are some pictures of the picture, two of which refuse point blank to be the way that I want them.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Jacobs Ladder FINISHED!!!

I have finally finished my Jacobs Ladder quilt, though the back has a few folds in it, which is quite annoying, but then I don't baste nor pin, so that might be why, but I just don't like that process, so I skip it all together.
I'm just going to have to live with the fold instead.

After the mishap with the back, I decided against quilting the 6 foot square quilt in one piece and have unpicked it into four and then I'll sash the four bits at the end once quilted. I finished the first quarter. It seems far more manageable like this.

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

WiPS Wednesday - Scrappy back and wall hanging.

I am currently working through my WiP tops and making matching backs for them, before I go on a marathon quilting session.

I made a scrappy log cabin quilt last year, from a book Quilt in a Day, I wanted to see if I could do it - I couldn't, it took me the best part of a week of evenings. 

Anyhoo, I want to finish all my PhD's and came up with an idea for the back in a flash of inspiration and I'm calling it windows to the log cabins.

These are my windows so far, I think I have a few more to do as the quilt top is 6' x 6'. I am just at the stage of playing around with the layout, which is a bit weird in itself, as I don't spend that much time on the front of a quilt.
I have sewn a few together but there is still lots of playing around to do to make them all fit with the addition of a few strips etc.

The above are the bits I've sewn together so far.

I'm also working on a wall hanging for my church, there are a few of us ladies involved and this is where we've got to so far. We're just playing with layouts at the moment and there will be some words to sew on as well.

I love how bright the colours are, I think it will look lovely once it's hanging up. We've been asked to do about ten...