Tuesday, 1 April 2014

WiPS Wednesday - Scrappy back and wall hanging.

I am currently working through my WiP tops and making matching backs for them, before I go on a marathon quilting session.

I made a scrappy log cabin quilt last year, from a book Quilt in a Day, I wanted to see if I could do it - I couldn't, it took me the best part of a week of evenings. 

Anyhoo, I want to finish all my PhD's and came up with an idea for the back in a flash of inspiration and I'm calling it windows to the log cabins.

These are my windows so far, I think I have a few more to do as the quilt top is 6' x 6'. I am just at the stage of playing around with the layout, which is a bit weird in itself, as I don't spend that much time on the front of a quilt.
I have sewn a few together but there is still lots of playing around to do to make them all fit with the addition of a few strips etc.

The above are the bits I've sewn together so far.

I'm also working on a wall hanging for my church, there are a few of us ladies involved and this is where we've got to so far. We're just playing with layouts at the moment and there will be some words to sew on as well.

I love how bright the colours are, I think it will look lovely once it's hanging up. We've been asked to do about ten...


  1. The back for the log cabins looks as if it's taking over! You could call the log cabins the back, and the windows will be the front. I'm just kidding. Your Holy Spirit quilt is going to be wonderful; the message is clear.

  2. The windows backing is lovely, I especially like the star blocks that you incorporated in the design, it complements nicely. The wall hanging is gorgeous. Nice work!

  3. I love the random layout of all those blocks! How fun and different! Have you seen Sarah (of Sarah Quilts) dyosampler on Sew Mama Sew? Sort of reminds me of that :)

  4. Oh, your church hanging is so beautiful!!! I've often wondered where the church gets those. I thought I saw in my bulletin that their is a group called Dorcus, but I'm not sure.

    Do you enjoy the process of piecing the backs? I think it's a very tedious process and usually by then I just want to get it over with! The pieced backs I make are more simple than yours, and they still take a lot of time. But it's totally worth it:)

  5. I love all your scrappy happiness and the wall hanging is going to look great :)
