Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Church wall hangings - WiPs Wednesday

We have had a church sewing group for a few months now, with a core of two of us, with another one coming along when she can.

It is quite strange to think that something is taking so long, but if I actually look at the hours, we have achieved quite a lot, with one of them only needing binding and I can't tell you how good it feels to be that close to finishing it. It will be unveiled at the church's Sunday School anniversary on the 29th June. We are aiming to get another one finished as well, but I don't like the lettering, it's too small, so it may not make it.

I love this one as there is so much colour in it and the back looks FABULOUS with just cotton thread.

It really shows just how many stitches are in it and you get a real sense of the thread, which does show up on the front more in the actual hanging than the pictures.

I love the quilting on the dove, I'm really pleased with it and in the sun to.

The other one the words will definitely have to be bigger. It looks a bit plain next to the first one, but I think once we've quilted it, I'm thinking in a variegated thread in a wobbly line all coming out from the heart and dove, it will look a lot better.

I also have a small finish - a little dress for my lovely God-daughter Marlie.

Linking up with Freshly Pieced


  1. Your quilting is fantastic what a great job you and the others have done. Good luck with the unveiling on the 29th June.

  2. The black looks very striking, it will make a great impact in the church!

  3. Your church sewing looks fantastic and I love the little dress :)
